Creative Stars Day Nursery LTD
Macklin House, Shakleton Close
Forest Hill
SE23 3YP
info@creativestarsdaynursery.com 07507-658-887
Managing Director: Mrs D. Day 0208-699-1534
At Creative Stars, uniform is optional. Your child will be creative and active everyday, taking part in creative and often, messy activities. We do not want their best clothes becoming ruined or stained, so we expect all of our stars to come dressed in clothes which can get messy.
The uniform consists of the nursery T-Shirt or Jumper, accompanied by black or navy blue jogging bottoms, leggings, skirts or shorts. Blue summer dresses are also permitted.
The cost of uniform items and picture of uniform can be seen below. You can order uniform by downloading the order form and giving the order form to your star worker. If uniform is in stock, you can recieve it immediately. If out of stock, it will take approximately 14 days for delivery.
Jumpers cost £10.00
T-Shirts cost £5.00
Printed Logo Jumper