Creative Stars Day Nursery LTD
Macklin House, Shakleton Close
Forest Hill
SE23 3YP
info@creativestarsdaynursery.com 07507-658-887
Managing Director: Mrs D. Day 0208-699-1534
Curriculum Map
Our vision is for every child to be given the best possible start in their lifelong learning journey.
To achieve this, children will be engulfed in an engaging and enabling curriculum that demands excellence in the delivery of the EYFS.
We strongly believe in enabling children to be the best that they can be and to celebrate each and every child in our care.
We teach through a creative curriculum style, ensuring children are given opportunities to initiate learning as well as have adult led sessions. We follow the EYFS and ensure that the children are gaining the very best at the start of their lifelong learning journey.
Each year, staff design the curriculum map around the needs and interests of the children we have on roll. Below you will find details of our current curriculum map.