Creative Stars Day Nursery LTD
Macklin House, Shakleton Close
Forest Hill
SE23 3YP
info@creativestarsdaynursery.com 07507-658-887
Managing Director: Mrs D. Day 0208-699-1534
About Us

Creative Stars Day Nursery offer childcare to children aged 3 months – 4 years.
We believe that the children will have a great start to their lifelong learning journey here at Creative Stars, where they will be engulfed in an engaging and enabling environment that demands excellence in the delivery of the EYFS. The Managing Director has over 10 years of educational experience, Qualified Teacher Status and has obtained Outstanding from Ofsted whilst working as part of the leadership team within a Lewisham Primary school. This means that identified next steps in learning will be clear, precise and accurate in all areas of learning. The children attending Creative Stars are bound to have a great start on life. Educational excellence is our driving force.
We encourage children to:
Love Learning
Be Unique
Shine Bright
Ask Questions
Try their Best
We strongly believe in enabling children to be the best that they can be and celebrating each and every child in our care. We teach through a creative curriculum style, ensuring children are given opportunities to initiate learning as well as having adult led sessions. We follow the EYFS and ensure that the children are gaining the very best at the start of their lifelong learning journey.
If you are looking for a setting where your child comes first, is in a smaller more personalised environment and is giving children a great start in their learning journey, then Creative Stars is the place for you.