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Food and Drink


All food and drink is freshly prepared onsite. We have regular Environmental Health Checks and have been graded 5 (the highest grading) by the Local Authorities EH Team Food Standards Agency since opening the nursery in 2016.


Children drink water and milk on a daily basis. Juices are not given each day, but are available on graduation day and at the annual Christmas Party. Nuts are not available onsite and we do not serve pork in any capacity.


We encourage children to eat a wide range of fruits and vegetables and further both encourage healthy eating choices and teach children about having a healthy diet and good food hygiene.


Each day we have breakfast, fruit snack, lunch, dry snack and tea on offer to all of our stars. Parents can also opt in to a daily text detailing what their child has eaten.


All food consumed is purchased from Sainsburys, milk is provided by Cool Milk and formula milk is supplied by parents of Baby Stars.


We use Safer Food, Better Business for Caterers to ensure all food is prepared and stored safely. Staff are also given training in Food Hygiene.

Dietary Needs

We cater to children's dietary needs and parent preferences working closely with parents to ensure they are happy with their individual child's needs being met. This includes offering alternative meals each day based on the children we have onsite, making individual food health care plans where children have complex needs and considering religious and cultural needs and preferences. We operate as a NUT FREE nursery and have a traffic light system in place to identify any children with complex dietary needs. 


All staff receive regular Food Hygiene and Safety Training as well as Paediatric First Aid Training and Infection Prevention and Control Training. These are first included in our 5 Stars Induction programme which is given to all staff and then updated as necessary.


When children are inducted, parents share allergy, intolerance, religious and preferences with regards to their child’s eating in the setting.
If the child has an allergy, this is recorded, and the child is put in the red zone. If a child is in the red zone, it means that they have an allergy.


Red = Danger!

Only senior members of staff should feed the child unless it is the child’s key worker. All allergies are recorded, along with the child’s days of attendance to ensure those foods are not prepared on that day. With complex dietary needs, children’s meals are prepared separately and if necessary, using different cooking utensils and equipment. The child will also have a food risk assessment drawn up between the parents and the Managing Director.


Yellow = Caution!

If there is a parental preference, intolerance or religious reason to not eat specific products, the child is put in the yellow zone. Although we do not want the child to eat these products, they are not a danger to the child. Caution must be used by staff to ensure they do not eat specific products, however, if the products are consumed, it is not life threatening.


Green = All Good!

If children can eat all foods served onsite, they are categorized in the green zone. During lunchtimes, children wear a coloured tabard to reflect which zone they are in.


Policies and Procedures

We have a range of Policies in Procedures in place to keep children safe onsite and to ensure their individual needs are met.


Policies include but are not limited to: Food Contamination Policy, Food for Play Policy, Health and Safety Policy, Healthy Eating Policy, Managing Allergies Policy, Milk Policy, Safeguarding Policy and the Sick Child Policy. All policy documents can be found under Sub Heading Policies.



What We Eat

Breakfast options include cereals, porridge, toast, bread, eggs, beans, french toast and fresh fruit.

Baby Stars will be offered bread based options or baby porridge / baby cereal. Breakfast runs from 8.00 - 9.00 each day.




Fruit Snack

Children are encourage to try a range of fruits each day. These include apples, bananas, pears, strawberries, raspberries, oranges, tangerines, melon, mango and grapes. Each day, 5 fruits will be available and cut accordingly for each child to have a fruit bowl to enjoy! Fruit snack is on offer from 10.00 - 10.30 each day.




At lunchtime the children are offered a healthy meal as well as a dessert. We encourage a wide range of different foods, limiting red meat each week and having a vegetarian / pescatarian option each day. Please see the menu below for an idea of the meals consumed onsite. Lunch is on offer from 12.00 - 1.00 each day. All meals are cooked onsite and temperature checked before serving.

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Dry Snack

Dry snack is available after sleep time and consists of children being given a small snack and a cup of water. Dry snacks include breadsticks, crackers, rice cakes, fruit wafers and melty puffs. This usually takes place between 2.30 - 3.00.



Tea is the last food encounter of the day. This is not to replace a dinner at home, but rather, to hold children until they are ready for dinner. It is offered between 4.00 - 4.30.


Creative Stars Day Nursery LTD


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